
For the Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University in Pacific Grove

Determined Latitude and Longitude of migrating species using various astronomical equations to calculate noon and the Equation of Time for accuracy.

Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan


Worked with doctors in the fields of Anatomy and Biomechanics to study the movements of the human backbone to help design the fighter jets pilot chair. This included gathering sonic emitters 3-D data for 3 seconds (80MB) to help analyze the problem of back alignment when the pilots ejected from the aircraft. Developed software to gather and analyze data using Fortran-IV, creating a 3D plot of data analyzed and helping students with their master thesis.


Developed statistical software using Microsoft C on a 8086 personal computer running DOS 3.3 for multiple linear regression analysis (MULTIREG). The module allowed farms in Africa to figure out rotational farming and use of chemicals for better yields. This required a complete understanding of matricies and all statistical function. The same software also ran on VAX/VMS systems. Some of the modules were also run on the Cyber 390 main frame computers.